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Basic sciences CRQs


This section of the curriculum covers a huge area of anaesthetics including anatomy, applied clinical pharmacology, applied physiology/biochemistry, physics/clinical measurement,and statistical basis of clinical trial management. Effecively most of the primary knowledge!!! However we have altered it into the CRQ format for the new Final FRCA exam.

Question 6 (March 2019)


A 77-year-old man is scheduled for laser surgery to a laryngeal tumour


a) What does the term LASER stand for (1 mark)


b) What different types of laser can be used for surgery (3 marks)


c) Name 5 ways the risk of an airway fire can be minimised (5 marks)


d) Name 6 measures you would take to protect staff when a laser is in use (6 marks)


e) What anaesthetic techniques can be used to allow a tubeless filed for laryngeal surgery (5 marks)

Question 6 (September 2018)


A recent meta-analysis of Mallampati scoring of the airway found that it had a sensitivity of 60% and specificty of 70%


a) Briefly define the terms of systematic review (1 mark) and meta-analysis (1 mark)


b) Explain what is meant by sensitivity (2 marks) andspecificity (2 marks) of Mallampati scoring of the airway in this meta-analysis. 


c) What other information do you require and how would you calculate the positive predictive value for Mallampati scoring (2 marks)


d) Rank the levels of scientific proof used to grade medical evidence (4 marks)


e) List 8 factors that help to ensure a high-quality conclusion from a meta-analysis (8 marks)

Question 7 (March 2018)



a) Name 3 physiologica factors that determine the rate of fall in arterial oxygen saturation in an apnoeic patient (3 marks)


b) List 4 patient groups most likely to show a rapid fall in arterial oxygen saturations when apnoeic (4 marks)


c) List 8 ways in which alveolar oxygenation, prior to intubation,may be optimised during rapid sequence induction (8 marks)


d) How can the effectiveness of alveolar oxygenation be meausred? (1 mark)


e) Name 4 possible  respiratory complications of prologned delivery of 100% oxygen (4 marks)

Question 11



a) List 7 indications for total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) (3 marks)


b) What are the 3 main components of a target-controlled infusion (TCI) system? (3 marks)


c) Outline 4 potential technical problems with TIVA (4 marks)


d) How might each of the aboe technical problems be prevented? (4 marks)


e) Name 2 potental patient complications with this technique (2 marks)

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